Why not pop along to Carnival market at the Piazza 10am to 5.30pm.
11am to 12.30pm - Clay Modelling
Every year this proves to be massively popular and is sponsored by our well- known carnival supporters – Val and Mike Wedlake. No entry fee and all clay is provided. Classes 6 and under, 7 to 10, 11 to 15 years and adult. Judging at 12.30pm followed by prize giving at the marquee.
11.30am to 12noon - Support for Ukraine Pop-Up Choir
Come and listen and show your support. Collection for Ukraine.
12.30pm to 1pm - The Rockeries
Local youth duo the Rockeries play for the first time at Carnival. Welcome!
1pm to 2pm - Footlights Dance Academy
Lawn - Arena
Prepared to be amazed by their display today! We are so looking forward to seeing this!
1pm to 3.30pm - Junior Tennis Fun and Games
Dawlish Lawn Tennis Club
Thanks to this great club for putting on this event for us again. Book early as places are limited, and entry is for 7- to 10-year-olds (mini tennis orange/green). Does not matter whether you are a beginner or already learning. To book a place ring 07834 394336.
2.30pm to 3.30pm - Tallest Tower
How high can you build a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows in a timed session??? Let’s find out. Utter madness!
3.30pm to 4.30pm - Scavenger Hunt
Hunt around the Lawn. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
6pm to 6.45pm - Pram Race Judging
6.45pm - Pram Race starts
This unique event returns! A slightly new route this year for the teams to follow. Prizes for Best Dressed, Fastest Male, Fastest Female and Fastest Mixed Teams. Forms at the Information Tent and on our website www.dawlishcelebratescarnival.co.uk Pre-register by 12 noon Monday! Sponsored by the Swan Inn.