Cakes in the marquee today by Cockwood School. Carnival market at the Piazza 10am to 5.30pm. It’s the last day for football darts on the Lawn.
See what Stalls are on the Lawn today
11am to 12.30pm - Clay Modelling
Last year 225 entrants – will we have more this year? No entry fee and all clay is provided. Classes 6 and under, 7 to 10, 11 to 15 years and adult. This year a special cup – The Mike Wedlake Cup – will be awarded for the very best entry from the winners of all the classes. Judging at 12.30pm followed by prize giving at the bandstand at about 12.50pm.
11am, 11.40am and 12.30pm - Dinosaurs
See the past roar back to life! The Dino Discover Rangers bring you face to face with these amazing prehistoric creatures! Meet a selection of baby dinos safe in the arms of the rangers and be wowed by a huge walking, chomping, roaring T-Rex!
12.50pm to 1pm - Clay Modelling Prizes Awarded
1pm to 2pm - Suthering
Evocative and distinctive, folk duo Suthering transport audiences with their exquisite vocal harmonies and their message of hope during hard times.
1pm to 3.30pm - Junior Tennis Fun and Games
Dawlish Lawn Tennis Club
Thanks to this great club for putting on this event for us again. Book early as places are limited, and entry is for 7- to 10-year-olds (mini tennis orange/green). Does not matter if you are a beginner or already learning. To book a place text or call 07834 394336.
2pm to 3pm - Footlights Dance Academy
Dance with a difference. Footlights will demonstrate their amazing dances to you. A session not to be missed!
3.15pm to 4.15pm - Children’s Fun Run
A children’s fun run inside the arena. Registration is free. Good luck!
3pm to 4.30pm - Local History Talk
How and why did Dawlish grow from a tiny fishing village into a thriving holiday resort? Local historian David Force tells all. Free.
6pm to 6.45pm - Pram Race Judging
6.45pm - Pram Race starts
It’s the 50th year. It’s unique to Dawlish. A route with 17 stops including a special 50th anniversary stop! Prizes for Best Dressed, Fastest Male, Fastest Female and Fastest Mixed Teams. Forms at the Information Tent and on our website HERE. Pre-register if you can so we know pram race numbers, but you can enter on the night. Sponsored by the Lansdowne.